Josh Crompton

On private and public interfaces in Python

In Sandi Metz's excellent Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby there's a section on creating explicit interfaces. Here, I attempt to translate Ruby's public, private and protected keywords to Python-land. According to Metz, these keywords "indicate which methods are stable and which are unstable" and also "how visible a method is".

Python doesn't have any direct equivalent to these keywords. All attributes and methods on an object are accessible by any other object. (This can be both a blessing and a curse.) However, we do have a convention that allows us to follow the spirit of Ruby's private and protected keywords.

According the venerable PEP 8, we should "[u]se one leading underscore only for non-public methods and instance variables." Note that Python's built in help function only renders "public" methods and attributes. Similarly, tab completion in the REPL will by default only list "public" things, although you can get a complete listing by typing an underscore before hitting TAB.

We also have the ability to explicitly set the visible contents of a module using the __all__ attribute. Defined in a module's, this attribute restricts the things that may imported from that module.

So in Python, any method or attribute of a class whose name starts with an underscore, and any class, function or attribute of a module which is not present in that module's __all__ listing should be considered part of the private interface.

Because we can't distinguish between private and protected, Metz claims that we'll be conflating two very different things: a method's stability, and it's visibility. However, Metz also admits that most Rails programmers use a similar leading-underscore convention for private/protected methods and attributes, rather than enforcing it at the language level. Maybe it doesn't matter so much in practice.
